Welcome to Hair-transplant.ro
On hair-transplant.ro you can find lots of useful information about hair transplant. We have great articles, a web directory of hair transplant doctors from Europe and USA and the latest hair transplant news.We hope you will enjoy the time spent on our site.
Hair transplant articles
Hair Loss Treatment history: Hair Loss Treatment in the 19th Century | A Japanese Discovery | The Beginnings of Hair Transplantation in Western medicine | Minigrafts and Micrografts | Laser Hair Transplants | The Gold Standard in Hair TransplantationHair transplant: Introduction | What can patients benefit from hair transplant? | The Risks | Before surgery indications | The surgery | The recovery
A general perspective on hair transplant: Can a hair transplant really help an alopecia pacient? | Social perspectives on hair loss | Bald or Balding Men
Alopecia: Alopecia among women | Hair loss and the image of the self | The Psychological Impact of Alopecia on Women
The Pathophisiology of Androgenic Alopecia: Why people lose their hair?
Hair loss and psychological problems: Implication of the hair transplant in patient care | Clinical Assessments regarding the psychological problem of hair loss | Clinical Management of Psychological Problems
In the future: The future of hair restoration and hair transplantation
Hair transplant doctors
Europe: Austria | Belguim | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | The Netherlands | Poland | Romania | Russia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | United KingdomUSA: Alberta | Arizona | Baltimore Maryland | California | Carolina | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Kansas | Kentucky | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New York | Ohio | Oklahoma | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | Tennessee | Texas | Toronto | Virginia
Hair transplant news and external articles
Politics and hair transplantStem cell study could yield cure for baldness
Hair transplant survey
For many, bald is beautiful
Warne trying to make hair comeback
Implication of the hair transplant in patient care
How Hair Replacement Works